Hello Bloggy Friends. Today I'm joining "Bargain Hunting with Laurie" to share one of my favorite things. Go
here to see others' favorite posts.
I have always loved this old, twisted tree. It must be really, really old. I drive by him a lot, because he is on one of the main "old" streets of Meridian. I have always told myself, I'm going to take a picture of it one day..............and the other day, I finally did.

This tree always reminds me of one of those apple trees in "The Wizard of Oz". :) Of course, it's not an apple tree. I think it must be an oak. I always wonder what made the trunk so twisted.

The tree has spanish moss growing from its branches, which adds to the beauty of it. Every time we have strong winds or tornado warnings, I think of this tree, and wonder if it made it through. I'm always relieved to see it still standing, and I hope it will stand for many years to come.
Thanks for joining me. I loved having you stop by.
I love that old tree! Great twisted trunk, hope it lasts a long time.
How did it get so twisted? That is an incredible tree. It looks like it's limbs reach to the other side of the street. Thanks so much for linking this to Favorite Things. laurie
Morning, D! Great olden tree. Now maybe God reached down and twirled it so it would get lots of attention.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
This is one grand tree! How wonderful to drive by every day and know it's there waiting for you to say hello. I Googled "why tree trunks twist" but didn't really understand any of the answers. One person thought it was a combination of wind and growing toward the sun and genetics. But I like Shelia's answer above better -- God twirled it! I'm glad you stopped by to take the pictures and shared them!
That tree looks very familiar as we have lots of them here in SC but I never tire of looking at them and photographing, espcially with the Spanish Moss. Wonderful!
What a cool, gnarly old tree.
Great old tree. I'm one of those who admires and appreciates all the big old trees I pass by each day. Imagine what they could tell us.
This is a beautiful tree...it has history. I'm glad that you took a picture of it just in case something happens to it. We had a lovely old oak in front of our house and the squirrels hollowed it out until it just keeled over one day. There is no replacing something that old, not in my lifetime. I really miss it!
That is a big tree..I hope no one ever hits it on that corner!
I see why the old tree is a favorite thing! I love it! Be blessed. Cindy
The tree sure is very interesting, D. Love it too!...Christine
That is a beautiful old tree! I do hope that it lives for a long long time!
Gorgeous tree... and your bedroom it's so beautiful and cozy.
LOVE the tree!! I also love the spanish moss hanging. We do not have that here but I sure love it!
I love that old craggly tree! and your sunroom posts are sooo cheerful and fun. I also love tea parties and your blog seems so joyful so I will be another of your followers :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog, D!
And I love your tree! Especially with the Spanish Moss hanging from it, so unusual and so beautiful!
And I love your banner picture, it's so sweet!
I've been reading back here a little and I can see why you named your blog 'Sunny Side of the Porch', your home is so light and bright and pretty! And your breakfast tablescape on your sunporch was stunning! And so happy looking! It made me smile!
I've been away from blogging for so long now, it's hard to get back into the swing of it! But I'm glad I stopped here!
All the best to you,
Thanks for sharing your wonderful tree. Loved the twisty trunk and moss. It looks like a tree you would like to just sit under on a warm summer day.
This tree does have appeal it almost looks like it is two or three trees growing together.I invited you to play in a little game.Trish
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