Here's the table our host, Beth, set for us the first night.
The color scheme for the whole event was pink and silver, and Beth certainly delivered!
I love the shape of Beth's table. Because of the rounded/scalloped corners, she can set more people. I would LOVE this table.
Here's her matching hutch.
Thrift store? YES! Everything on this table was found at a thrift store! (Except her beautiful centerpiece. It was real.
Love the silver glasses and the 25th Anniversary teapot.
Very cute idea from Pinterest. These were made from sheet music.
Sorry for the terrible pic, but this was another fun idea. You can paste pictures of the honorees on paper dolls.
Beth spoiled us with her wonderful menu of salad and roast beef.
I'm joining "Tablescape Thursday" at Susan's and
"Pink Saturday" at Beverly's