bloggy friends! Today I'm joining Cindy over at
My Romantic Home for Show & Tell Friday. This is my first time to participate.

Do you like this quilt? I LOVE this quilt! And when I finally found it in one of my catalogs, I had to have it.

So I ordered it. But it wasn't cheap. With S&H it was $329! Yikes! But I had wanted a quilt like this since I found this "file" picture. (See below)

See? It's just like it. This pic is from a 2005 "Country Decorating Ideas" book. And it's just the cutest little "red" cottage you've ever seen. But then, after I had already received it from this "other" place, I found the exact same quilt at "Gooseberry Patch" for $150!
Argghh!! That's HALF the price I paid at the other place. (beats head on wall) Oh well! I still love the quilt anyway. :)

Notice that pic on the wall above the bed? Yeah, I got that, too. :)


Found it on

It's an old advertising sign. Thanks for stopping by. I loved having you! Go to Cindy's for more Show and Tell.
very nice quilt, and so neat to have the same ad sign too!Do you think you will be doing some wallpapering?
Look at you! Your persistence has worked out for you. I love your quilt and the advertising print. It's gorgeous. Now you have to find some of those plaid pillows.
Your quilt is beautiful and I like your picture very much too! And your bed is amazing!
Don't give the money another thought!
Just enjoy!
Great job!
All the best,
I just love the quilt, it is so refreshing and what a clean crisp look..I also adore the beautiful headboard, what a standout, soooo pretty..What a wonderful job you have done on this lovely room...I am a new follower of yours, please come for a visit, i am new and just beginning
Thank you for your kind remarks on my blog, it is so nice of you and I appreciate so people spending the time to visit and comment...I'll be back...
Such a lovely quilt! Love the colors!
I love the quilt; love the colors... love the ad. love your headboard also... the only thing dislikes was the price of the quilt....no....if I win the lotto ... I could do it... haha.... thanks for sharing
Oh, I just love the Yo-yo quilt and the colors! And the picture! I thought you made the yo-yo quilt at first. I am working on the hand quilting part of a Yo-yo quilt that I featured in an older post on my Two Happy blog. Your pictures are just so vivid and clear, you must have a great camera! Such fun! Kerrie
I have made many quilts. And I just want to say I think yours is probably better made than the ones I remember seeing in Gooseberry Patch. Love their catalog and buying things from them. But I remember when I saw the quilt I didn't think it looked like it was going to hold up. I could be wrong, of course, just personal opinion. But I think you took the best course of action! It is simply breathtaking, by the way! I oohed and aahed upon seeing it!
OH I LOVE IT!!! That quilt is just adorable and worth every penny because it's just beautiful! I thought it was a vintage quilt when I first saw it! Thanks so much for sharing it and joining in on Show and Tell!
I have always wanted a yo-yo quilt. I am so VERY VERY jealous! It is beautiful! I love it! Thank you so much for sharing!
The quilt is so pretty! I love quilts they make a bed look so comfy and cozy.
How perfect. In my favorite color too. Looks great on your bed. Glad you found the picture to go with it. Enjoy
Your yo-yo quilt is just beautiful. I love how crisp and clean the bed looks. You did a great job!
Wow, you picked a great inspiration photo. I just love it! Your room is coming a long beautifuly.
Well, I don't blame you for wanting that quilt! It's beautiful! You are so good at recreating pictures in magazines. You amaze me. Have a wonderful Sunday! Twyla
How wonderful that you found just the quilt you had been looking for. I was the fortunate one to get the quilts from my mother-in-law when she passed away. One was a yo-yo quilt made with lots of different scraps. I gave it to one of my sisters-in-law who is also a quilter. She loved it and wanted it, so it now lives in her home. They are fun pieces of work.
O, girl...this is wonderful. I just LOVE having an inspiration room to use when fixing up a room. I, too, had a favorite room to copy and I am so happy with my bedroom now. It was a quilt that I HAD to have, too, but it didn't cost but a hundred dollars. whew..and that was a LOT for me to pay for a quilt, believe me. But...it just made the room.
Your quilt is pretty, too...now I bet you are looking for plaid pillows like those in the picture. They are beautiful!!
Come by sometime when you have time....
Oh I am so in love with this quilt! I must have one!!
Just dropping by to say hi ~ Sharon
It's a simply stunning room....I LOVE it...couldn't be more perfect! :-)
WOW, how awesome to find that quilt after so many years. Bummer that you found it cheaper afterwards... but you were meant to have it and it looks wonderful in your room. I adore the sheets too, and the pic on the wall! Must say, I like "your" version better than the mag. Gotta love those mags for inspiration tho!!
that quilt is beautiful and i think that's what counts, that you love it, enjoy it, love looking at it, and just forget the money.
i am caregiver to my 86 year old mother in law who has alzhiemers disease. it's been challenging for me because i'm not in good health either, but i know that God has a purpose for me and whatever i can do to make her end years better that's enough to keep me going.
we have been quilting. not just regular quilting, but making yo-yo quilts. we have finished a king random colors, a queen random colors, another king but in blocks of yo-yo-s with a solid color border (each block consists of 3 layers of color) and are about to finish a twin size for my little craft room that will fit on the extra bed. although she cannot remember she has ten dozen needles threaded in her pin cushion, and she loses her scissors all the time in her lap and onto the floor, and she sometimes sews the wrong circles together, all in all we do ok. i do a whole lot of repeating myself but that's ok too! she cannot stand to have her hands idle so quilting is really consumming her time. i don't know what the months or years will bring as far as her progression, this is all new to me. but one thing i know, that God does not send us anything that we can't handle with His help and that there is a lesson in each and every moment of life. so i'm blessed.
i wanted to tell you how pretty your room is, the quilt, the picture etc. and i think even though you found the same quilt less expensive, i think you did just fine. there is so much work that goes into a yo-yo quilt. it's not as easy as it looks. especially when you start getting to where you lay the yo-yo's down in patterns. now that's a trip with an 86 year old alzhiemers patient!
thanks for sharing with us the beauty you've created and can see each day.
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