I have a special guest who wanted to join the party over at Susan's
Between Naps on the Porch. Over there, you will see lots of cute tablescapes to enjoy.

It's Barbie! Oh, she's such a fashionista! Look how color coordinated she is. And what's in that adorable bag I wonder.

Oh, look! She sees us. Everybody wave. :)

Looks like she's setting up a table for a picnic. What fun!

Love the red tablecloth, and what cute napkins!

She certainly does know how to set a table.

She even picked some fresh flowers for the centerpiece. She must be expecting Ken.

Is that her adorable camper over there?

While she is waiting, Barbie decides to get some sun.

Hmm! Ken is late. Barbie is getting hot, and she doesn't look very happy.

Maybe she's thinking of how hard she worked over that hot stove frying chicken this morning .

Oh! There's Ken now. Have fun, you two.!

Hmm. Barbie's tablescape colors might have inspired me to create one. I have some red, blue and yellow. And I do have those new red and blue placemats...................

and those new, red glasses.....................

I could use my white, mini soup tureen.........................

My red charges, and red and white plates from the Dollar Tree........

Hmmm. Maybe I'll have to work on that for next week. :)
Thanks for stopping by this week. I figured if Susan and Kim could play with their doll houses, I could play with my Barbie, too. :)
How cute! You did a great job.
Hi D, Love it all...I think it is so cute...Love the cow creamer
Very cute post, D! I wonder what Barbie does cause she never gets older. I love your tablescape too. Lovely!..Chrisatine
Very cute posting about Barbie...she didn't look happy in any of those posts. Love your red and white plates from the dollar store...got to love it! Joni
Oh my gosh- the memories! Adorable post!
xoxo Pattie
Looks like Barbie is a talented tablescaper too. I love your red dishes and the cow creamer! Very cute post!
This was a great post!!! I haven't played Barbies in about 2000 years, but remember how much I loved it...and it is so good to know that Barbie is still living up to her standards...lots of dates and romantic moments. You have a great sense of humor.
♥, Susan
How funny! Too clever. I like Barbie's table, love yours. It is very festive. Thanks for the little laugh this morning.
Love your red and white table! Cute Barbie table, too.
cute idea with the Barbie, she sets a mean table.
Loved your red and white table as well, very cute.
Blessings, Nellie
Well , I am enthralled with your barbie stuff. I can't find my old barbie!! I can't figure out what I did with her this past year!! I loved seeing these pictures!!
Hi D! Oh, I love that Barbie and what a gal she is! Look at the picnic she has put together! I loved my Barbie as a girl growing up.
Your table looks so sweet.
Thank you for your prayers.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
I will just have that cute camping trailer. I have looked and looked for one to make into a sewing retreat and that one is just right. I will take delivery as soon as I get back from the dollar store where I am going to buy the those cute red and white plates.
Now I don't know who had the most fun today you or Barbie but I certainly had fun reading this post. Stella
well I was just taken back to barbie land and I was mezmerized, i loved it so much, the story,the setting, I know how much work and creativity goes into all of that, it looks fun and easy and i understand how hard it is to make that easy whimsical look that we all love, you have done it beautifully...I am gonna go look again....Phyllis
OMGosh, D!!! I almost wet my knickers! I LOL'd all the way home! So creative and too cute!
I love your killer tureen!
Thanks so much for visiting me and leaving such a sweet comment!
Have a lovely pink weekend!
I just luv the BARBIE touch...sooooo cute! I also luv those Dollar Tree red chargers...thanks for the info:)
D, this is simply A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!! Your imagination went into overdrive on this one. I can't wait to show it to DGD Caroline...she will ♥ it. We'll have to do one with her AG dolls.
Thanks for the inspiration!
Hi Barbie...LOL !
What a fun post and you have a wild imagination - love it !
Great colors and love how you put it all together with fun!
Oh I loved this how creative!
Thanks for sharing.
Have a Blessed Week,
Oh I just love this tablescape with Barbie...I still have my original Barbie from the early sixties...hmmm..may have to borrow your ideas! I would have never thought of that! You made me smile. Thanks for the visit!
Miss Bloomers/Sonia
How cute! I love Barbie's handmade outfits! Too cute! I think the official word from Mattel is Barbie and Ken broke up!
I love your tablescape! It's beautiful!
Have a great evening, Lindsey
Hi--Popped over from Two Crazy Crafters.
Love the Barbie Tablescape!!!!!!!!!!
Love all the Barbie pictures hehe
Oh plese tell us where you got the fridge and stove!!!! LOVED this post! Sandy
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