Hello, Bloggy friends. This is a Christmas post I did last year, and since it had lots of pink, I wanted to share it at Beverly's
Pink Saturday. Visit her blog for more wonderful pinks.

I have always loved "Christmas Mice". I just think they are so cute. And I have always loved "The Night Before Christmas", so I HAD to have this little book.

See how tiny the book is? (Compared to my hand?) I just love illustrations by Cyndy Szekeres. I've had this book since 1982. My kids enjoyed it, and now my two granddaughters love it.
Now, let's see what's going on over at Mrs. Mouse's house................

Looks like she is coming in from the living room to check on little Crissy mouse.

She is walking over to tuck her in. Aww! Shh! She's sleeping good!
While we're here, let's have a look around the room.

Ummm! What pretty, pink wallpaper. Somebody likes Shabby Mouse Chic. :)

Looks like Mrs. Mouse has been decorating for Christmas, too. Look at the pretty greenery over Grandpa Mouse's picture. I see she has her tree all decorated, and look, She used a thimble for the base of the tree. How clever!

I like her green curtains, and the candle in the window. Oh, look! It's snowing!

What the.......................! Will you look at that? Santa came! How'd he do that? We didn't even see him! He's pretty sneaky, that jolly old elf. Looks like somebody is getting an angel mouse and a candy cane, too!

Sleep tight, little Crissy Mouse. You will have lots of surprises when you wake up.

Thanks for letting me share. I've had the cute, little mouse figures for several years. I hope you enjoyed looking at them. And, what can I say...................Christmas just brings out the kid in me! :)
Thanks for stopping by!!!!