Hello, Wonderful Bloggy friends. Time again to set our tables with
I'm using a watermelon theme for today.

This cute, tablerunner was my inspiration. I got it last summer at either TJ Maxx or Big Lots.

Simple centerpiece of red flowers in white vase. Aren't those watermelon candles cute? They came from The Apple Farm in the Smokies.

Of course, Julia and Dudley Target wanted to be in on this table, because you know how birds love watermelon rhines. :)

Cute spreader knife was in with the watermelon candles. The red striped bowl, a recent Ebay find.

I had this watermelon plate, and it seemed to fit right in with this tablescape. I think it was a complete set of dishes you could get at Walmart a few years ago.

Gollum Plates (They sure are versatile. I love them!) from Big Lots
Red Flatware: BB&B
Paper Napkins
Goblets: Hazel Atlas - Vintage

I had planned to set this table outside on the patio, but it's been raining sporatically for the past few days, so I had to set it in the sunroom.

I wanted to set it by my new watermelon birdfeeder. Recent find at Joann's Fabrics.

And I was going to use my watermelon outdoor cover, too.

Sometimes, weather just doesn't cooperate. Thanks for joining me, and please check out Susan's Between Naps on the Porch for other great tablescaping ideas.