My son loves to go all out for Halloween. What's that in the mailbox? Spooky!
He made this sign to hang on the mailbox.

This is what it really is, but in the dark, all you can see is the eyes..........

And it vibrates. All the kids really enjoyed it.

He made that ghost that floats back and forth.

and he built the Pumpkin Head guy and the tombstone.
(Peyton and Jamie)

I love the tombstone saying.

Here's me as a Pan Am stewardess (Love that show), and friend,Gloria by the fireplace.

I would have liked this picture of me had I not
been talking right when she snapped it.
Hi D! Oh, what a cute post! You have quite a talented son to put together all these things! Now are you as cute as a button! I'm taking you're loving the new Pan Am show. Glad you had so much fun and thanks for popping in to see me.
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
You make a fabulous Pan Am stewardess. I like the show too it has just went off...had to set up and watch. Your son did a good job on his halloween decorating. Trish
I am laughing out loud right now over the tombstone. So cute!
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