The U.S 11 Antique Alley Yard sale is the first weekend after Mother's Day every year.
It runs from Meridian, MS (my home town) to Bristol, VA a total of 502 miles. How I wish I could go the WHOLE route.
I didn't spend much, but here is what I found.

Cute teapot for only $2. I was looking for yellow and green stuff since that's the colors I'm using in my SR right now.

Hard to have this simple, white basket. Also $2.
Perfect for those magazines, we ALL have too many of. :)

Yellow bowl/planter for the mantel.

This tea set was one of my favorite finds, too. It was only $8. The lady is going to mail me the sugar bowl lid. I love the petite lines of the handles and lid.
A tiny, red chair just to "sit around" somewhere.
One of the stops along the way is The Simmons-Wright Store. Look inside to see how old it is!

Old hats in the display case. Yes, they are for sale.

They say these shoes have been here since the 1930's. By the condition of the boxes, I know it's true.

Girls of the vintage blogs would probably love this. For me, the shoes were either too big or too small.
I'm joining Rhoda's fun party "Today's Thrifty Treasure at
Southern Hospitality. Go to here blog for fun thrifty treasure finds. Thanks, Rhoda.