Regis and Kelly are doing a "Look-A-Like" show this week, so I thought I'd do one, too.
Ginny Simms was a big band singer/movie star of the 1940's.(That's her singing now:) I had never heard of her, but the first time I saw her in a movie, I couldn't believe it, because she looks exactly like MY mom at that age. See if you agree.

Here's my mom in her twenties. Same color hair, same smile, same nose, same eyes. I think they could have been twins. I did some research on Ginny, and she was born just one year before Mom.

Here's a pic of Mom and Dad on their wedding day. I love this picture. Mom's dress was blue, and so was the flower in her hair. I remember playing "dressup" with this dress when I was little. What?????? Why did Mom let me do that? hehehehehehe Look at that chintzy looking chair and Mom's shoes. So Forties!!!!! I loved the way they dressed by then.

On their 48th wedding anniversary I surprised them by putting this picture in the paper, and wishing them a happy anniversary. Seems like after that, everybody started posting their original wedding picture along with their present day one. It's fun to see how they looked then, and how they look now.
Thanks for stopping by, I loved havin' ya!!! :)