Monday, April 16, 2012

Makeup–Before and After

I'm joining Susan for "Met Monday". Thanks, Susan for the fun party!
4 year old Jamie before makeup..........................

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4 year old Jamie WITH makeup..............................Wow!

8 Year old Peyton before makeup.................................................................
8 Year old Peyton AFTER makeup.

Wondering if MY makeup is making ME look older......hehehehehehehe

Thanks for stopping by the porch today.


Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

I'm sorry, but I just think this is so wrong.

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

I don't think it's wrong at all D!
The girls look so pretty either way.
My daughter wore make-up for figure skating and dance as a little girl long before she wore it on a regular basis.
It's not like they're on toddlers and tiaras.
Now one more thing, where's your pic?

xinex said...

Your grandkids are just darlings, D. So pretty! I don't think there is anything wrong with kids wearing makeup for performances and recital. It is customary....Christine

HansHB said...

Great shots!
Lovely children!

Stella said...

Makeup is just fine for girls if they are preforming or palying dress-up. Good way for them to practice before it's time for the real thing. Cute grandchildren with or without makeup.

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Adorable...I remember the days of dance much anticipation and excitement.

The Decorating Chica said...

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Love Of Quilts said...

They are just adorable!

Perfectly Printed said...

What darling kids!!!


Debbie said...

They are just adorable, with or without. But don't they look so tickled to be all glammed up?

And can that make up artist come help me?

Custom Comforts said...

Too cute. It's amazing how it makes them look so much older. It looks like you all had a good time.

LV said...

What a lovely little girl. Children make far the best of blogs.