Today, I'm joining Joan over at
Anything Goes Here for Vintage Christmas Monday.

Here's my little Christmas Birthday angel. She was given to me by my Daddy many years ago. She is old, and she has a broken wing.
Dollar wise, she's probably not worth much, but she's very precious to me. Here's why...............................

Having a birthday two days after Christmas has always been hard, but it was doubly hard for me because Daddy was always drinking on my birthday. He didn't drink all the time, just when he had time off from work, and he always had time off for Christmas.

One year, a few days before my birthday, Daddy asked me what I wanted, and I told him, "Daddy, you are always drunk on my birthday. I just want a "normal" birthday this year.
That's what I want more than anything."

This little angel is what Daddy picked out for me that year. When I opened it, I remember Mom saying, "Your dad picked that out. I told him you probably wouldn't want it."
But Mom was wrong. I loved it. I loved it because of what it meant. Daddy wasn't drunk that birthday, and he was never drunk again on any of my birthdays after that.
He is gone now, but every time I look at my angel or wind her up to let her play "Happy Birthday", I think of him and the wonderful gift he gave me that birthday.
Thanks for letting me share this story with you. This is very personal to me, and I'm not good with words, but I did want to share it with all of you.
Your little figurine is so precious...and I can see why you love her so. And in spite of your father's drinking problem, he came through for you on your birthday's and that is very special.
How beautiful! It really brought tears to my eyes, such a moving story. Really so touching.
She's lovely and so is the treasured memory attached to her.
God Bless!
All the best to you, Eileen
Anyone who has had a drinking daddy know how you feel...love the pretty birthday doll..she is precious and obviously your dad loved you very much.
What a beautiful story! It shows how much your dad loved you. Treasure your little angel; she is very precious.
She is as sweet as your story. The best vintage Christmas has a special story attached to it.
I didn't expect to be teary eyed this morning but I thank you for sharig not only your vintage Angel, but the personal, heart-felt wish you had as a child. I am happy for you that your Daddy gave you such a wonderful memory. Judi
Your words were just perfect. You were such a brave little girl to tell your dad how you felt. Thanks for sharing your vintage Angel and your story! I am glad that you have this sweet memory of him from your childhood. Thanks for being a part of Vintage Christmas Monday. It wouldn't have been the same without you! xo Joan, your hostess.
moved my to tears, I have a similar history but no nice angel
I can only imagine how much you cherish her
Such a touching story. Cherish your angel.
This post brought tears to my eyes. My mother was an alcoholic and I relate very well to what you were saying. Beautiful, lovely touching story. Thanks for sharing it.
This was the sweetest post. I know that you treasure your little angel and always will.
Lee Laurie
What a touching story...I'm so glad that you ask your daddy not to drink...what a sweet ANGEL you have here...thanks for sharing her with all of us. Hope you have a wonderful day!
Oh that angel is absolutely adorable! What a wonderful keepsake!
Oh D, this is such a sweet story. Beautiful angel your dad gave her little angel and just a remembrance of him granting your wish. How are you, my friend? Have you heard from Katherine?....Christine
Thank you for becoming a new follower of mine. I love your little angel and your beautiful story. I'll also be thinking of you on the 27th, my birthday is on the 26th and I do not know a lot of people with their birthdays around Christmas time. I hope you put that story on real paper, and where ever that little angel goes one day, she has to take that story with because it makes her priceless.
Your angel is so beautiful. I have one from September and I just love her too.
Sweet post! My mother collected these little month angles. She kept them in open cubby shelves between the dining room and an entry hall. She had a different one for each month. One of my nieces has them now. Special memories from childhood. Thank you for sharing this heartfelt post. ~ Sarah
What a precious treasure your birthday angel is! My heart hurt for the little girl who wanted such a simple gift for her birthday. I'm glad she got it!
What a precious story, D. I still have chill bumps from reading it.
I know every time you look at your beautiful little angel it warms your heart and is a reminder of your daddy's love for you.
Best wishes to you for a beautiful Christmas and a very happy and special birthday celebration.
What a touching story. I can see why this sweet little angel means so very much to you. She is just darling. I hope she continues to bring you much joy at Christmas and as you celebrate your Birthday.
Thank you for sharing an obviously painful thought about your Dad....but in giving you that angel he really told you he loved you! She is so precious, beyond words!
Oh my goodness, your story made my cry!!! It's so lovely, and I'm so glad you shared such a personal story with us, it makes us all know each other so much better. Your Dad sounds like a special man, and I know his gifts have meant the world to you. I would always treasure that angel, I'm the same way with certain items that have a special meaning attached to them. When it's sentimental to you, it's worth more than gold!
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