Regis and Kelly are doing a "Look-A-Like" show this week, so I thought I'd do one, too.
Ginny Simms was a big band singer/movie star of the 1940's.(That's her singing now:) I had never heard of her, but the first time I saw her in a movie, I couldn't believe it, because she looks exactly like MY mom at that age. See if you agree.

Here's my mom in her twenties. Same color hair, same smile, same nose, same eyes. I think they could have been twins. I did some research on Ginny, and she was born just one year before Mom.

Here's a pic of Mom and Dad on their wedding day. I love this picture. Mom's dress was blue, and so was the flower in her hair. I remember playing "dressup" with this dress when I was little. What?????? Why did Mom let me do that? hehehehehehe Look at that chintzy looking chair and Mom's shoes. So Forties!!!!! I loved the way they dressed by then.

On their 48th wedding anniversary I surprised them by putting this picture in the paper, and wishing them a happy anniversary. Seems like after that, everybody started posting their original wedding picture along with their present day one. It's fun to see how they looked then, and how they look now.
Thanks for stopping by, I loved havin' ya!!! :)
Hi D! Wow talk about separated at birth! Maybe there is a bloodline connection...no? What a lovely your parents were in their wedding photos. What a sweet surprise for them when you put it in the paper! Such a fun and unique gift!
Have a lovely weekend!
Oh, how special this is! Loved the pics of your parents, and how sweet of you to get those pictures together for them!
Happy Pink Saturday...
Sheila :-)
AMAZING!both are beautiful:)
They BOTH look like movie stars and YES your Mom looks VERY MUCH like Ginny Simms!
I love the styles from the forties! I love the shoes especially, and even the hairstyles, and I'm crazy for the furniture and wallpaper too!
Sweet post!
Fascinating post! People looked so sophisticated in the forties, didn't they? The picture you had put in the paper for them is wonderful ... he's obviously very happy, and she's gazing at him with a look of pure adoration!
I still have the little blue dress my mother wore on her wedding day. It's hanging in a guest room closet. I couldn't stand to part with it when we were going through her things after she passed away. Some of us are just sentimental types I guess.
Thanks for stopping by and leaving the nice comment.
Bye for now,
They do look amazingly alike. I love the pictures of your mom and dad. The clothes they wore back then and the care they took to look nice is admirable to me.
Oh, I just love the old photographs. Your parents were adorable together! I love music of this bygone era, too.
What a beautiful blog. Just blog hopping tonight and found yours. I have enjoyed reading it.. I love seeing all the different blog designs. Have a Happy Sunday!
your mother is gorgeous!
this spring we had a huge flock of Robins stop over for the day in our garden...it was surreal...I had never seen them in such number! there was at least 200 of them...a few have stayed...and my mom and dad robin are around here and there still....I hope they build again next spring!
you know...your comment is so flattering to me!!! I am so critical of my gardens...and get bored of seeing them sometimes. It takes a fresh eye to make me smile a little!
Now...if you want to learn the easiest and cheapest way to go about some of the garden stuff....read my posts labeled tootsie tips...it is so easy to do...and rewarding!
And then I rudely forgot to say thank you!!! You are a sweet blogging friend!
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