Hi! Here's me(left) and my good friend, Lisa on another travel adventure. Here we are at Niagara Falls getting wet. I lost my sunglasses, so Lisa found this old pair of hers in the glove compartment. Aren't they just the ugliest, most out of style ones you've ever seen? hehehe (Sorry, Lisa)

I thought the painting in this bathroom was hilarious! Look at that expression on Moe's face. LOL!

And here we have a real "honey"of a picture. This sign was just asking for this pose. :)

Here's Lisa's Mae West impression.

And here is my "Edith Ann" (Lily Tomlin character) imitation. Anybody remember her?

We went to the Jello museum just because we thought it would be funny to tell everybody we went there. But , actually, it was pretty intersting. Are you jealous you didn't get to go?

No caption needed here. hehehehehe

We couldn't wait to call about THIS deal! :)

Here's Lisa looking like Dale.

And finally.........."Now they tell us!" Sorry about the poor quality of the pic, but just in case you can't make it out, it's an aligator, and the sign says "No swimming" Hope you enjoyed these silly shots. We always have a great time on our travel adventures. Next time, it's the "Pillsbury Bake-Off contest where Lisa had a chance to win $1 million dollars.
I found your blog from blog hopping today :)
Thought Id say Hi!
:) Candy
OMG...LOL Looks like you're having so much fun, Thanks for sharing!!
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